Wednesday 3 October 2007


On the last day of the show at Bathurst Regional Art Gallery we presented a performance based on Symmetrical Planting. Lisa Roberts , Karen Riley and I improvised movement. The movement was connected by white cotton gauze, if one person made a movement the other had to compensate. The ‘as the dry’ projection played over the gauze. Tracy Sorensen, whose background is in journalism, community arts and video script writing, videoed the Gathering performance. There is a link on Tracy's site to the performance on You Tube . Sue Clarke-Lindfield operated the still camera for the animations. The performance was another gathering.


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris - Am glad that you asked me to be part of the movement at BRAG last week. It was an incredible experience. The projection of the seeds on the gauze looked amazing, also on the walls between the gauze and ourselves. The movement within the gauze was as different as the movement of the gauze itself, as compared to our earlier experiment with Terry. I felt a connection with both Lisa and yourself, as our own movements affected the other and there was an element of trust involved. I think the bond with Lisa was more noticable perhaps as I'd only met her for the first time minutes before the movement. As I said an element of trust is involved. I think the whole movement had a definite meditative effect, concentration being focussed entirely on what we were doing. My pleasure to be involved in this!!!! Would be interesting to hear what any onlookers had to say about it.

Anonymous said...

I love how your drawings animate. I'd love to hear your voice as I watch them move...talking through what the drawings mean:

Anonymous said...

I like your new layout.